Tuesday 9 March 2010

Dear Diary

Hey Guys,
I have been wondering recently about my own mental stability. I don't think I am crazy or insane or dangerous or anything, its just that my mood swings and turns on a dime. I thought that by my age (late twenties) that sort of thing should have stopped. I have been thinking about this for a while and today it happened again so I will make note of it. I was feeling really down and low and then I heard one little thing and I was in the clouds again. I feel that this is a sign of immaturity. That I should be stable or at least near to it.

Anyway, I had to go to college today. Sucks. The tutors gave us more work after the fact. They do this, they set us a practical exercise then a few weeks later saunter in with the paperwork that should have been done before the practical part. I shouldn't really be surprised tho, 2 years of this behaviour so far.

We discussed the movie Shawshank Redemption, the scenes where Andy and Red play draughts/checkers and the one where Byron Hadley almost throws Andy off a roof. We talked about planning and blocking and how in some scenes dialogue can dictate movement. The scene on the rooftop has many point where the actors walking or changing direction is synced with thier lines. Interesting stuff.

After that we all bitched about the work and me and R went for a break. She told me about the funeral she had to go to last week. She and her father haven't spoken in years and he was there, seemingly, doing his best to avoid her. She also met a bunch of people who knew her when she was small. Reminded me of my Gran's 80th or the big anniversary I went to years ago, rooms full of people who know your name and haven't seen you since you were 4 or 5 and want to ask how you are. Total strangers in your eyes

We could then work under our own reconisanse. But my college being what it is all the printers were dead and all the useful spaces were occupied. I tried to do some work but without a computer let alone a printer I can't achieve much. I am at home now, watching Robocop, and not working when I should be.

I will do some work tonight and see how it goes 2moro.



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